Being a partner of Handelsblatt Wasserstoff Gipfel, the H2UB offered a start-up area and actively engaged in the discussion about innovation in the hydrogen economy.
Here are the highlights and key take aways from the event:
- Panel discussion with Uwe Kerkmann, H2UB CEO, and Carina Stöttner, Managing Director Themis Foresight, about innovation for climate protection. Both agreed that innovation is key to advancing hydrogen technologies and start-ups need a chance to proof their concepts and validate their ideas. It´s time to act now and this also means: let´s experiment and not wait for the one perfect solution for green hydrogen.
- Pitches from three #HYDROVERSE start-ups: ARTHUR, H2Pro and Southern Lights
- Community get-together at the H2UB booth with Azure H2, ARTHUR, H2Pro, HY.AIR Energy GmbH and Southern Lights – many participants came by to learn more about the innovative power of H2 start-ups
- ARTHUR offered a shuttle service for the participants with it’s own hydrogen bus
- With the help of ChatGPT, the H2UB team members Robin Ibing and Moritz T. Glettenberg chose the winner of the H2UB start-up booth at this year’s E-world energy & water: krecotec
Thanks to everyone involved – we are looking forward to see everyone again next year in Essen at the ThyssenKrupp Quartier!