H2UB is Europe’s leading Open Innovation Platform for the whole hydrogen value chain.

H2UB connects...

founders with companies, investors and research institutes to successfully develop and launch innovative hydrogen ideas.

H2UB team

Year of foundation


scalable start-ups in the ecosystem


strategic & innovative partners

At our events, we offer hydrogen start-ups and companies the opportunity to discuss relevant topics, network and exchange ideas. In addition to our own events, we organize delegation tours, trade fair participations and networking events.

The hydroverse convention by H2UB is the biggest hydrogen start-up innovation event in Europe, focusing on start-up innovation, venture building, implementation of innovative hydrogen technologies, financing and funding, recruitment and more. Around 600 hydrogen experts gathered in Essen, Germany, for the 2024 edition.

In our accelerator programs, H2 start-ups benefit from compact, focused and customized individual and group coaching sessions with mentors and industry experts. The content is challenge-driven and highly individualized. We tailor the programs to meet the unique needs of each start-up. Once the programs are over, we continue to deliver support through events, intros and matchings with corporate partners and investors.

As a think tank, we contribute to expert discussions on the further development of the hydrogen economy. Through our ecosystem, we have exclusive access to validated information on more than 500 H2 start-ups, which we combine with information from existing databases. Using this information, we provide H2UB Market Intelligence reports, in which we not only scout start-ups but also conduct a dedicated tech assessment of highly rated start-ups and innovative technologies.

For our corporate partners, we provide access to innovation and an active exchange with creative minds in the industry. We also scout, source, select and support start-ups to deliver innovative solutions to decarbonize business operations and maximize efficiency, while investing in future champions. As well as providing visibility and networking in the H2 innovation ecosystem, we offer insight and tech assessment on specific start-ups and application fields as part of a partnership or project-based collaboration.

Corporate Partner Benefits

Corporate Testimonials

For our corporate partners, we scout, source, select, and support start-ups to deliver innovative solutions to decarbonize business operations and maximize efficiency. Read what they say about working with us.

To succeed in an emerging field like hydrogen, it is crucial to leverage structures, access real insights and to identify the truly relevant players and partners: big or small, agile or experienced. I am very happy that H2UB, through its ever-growing ecosystem and acceleration programs, has become a true hub in the hydrogen space.

Dr. Sebastian Vogel

RWE Generation SE (photo credit: Andre Laaks/RWE AG)

H2UB provides an excellent platform to showcase and grow your hydrogen start-up. P3 energy solutions is pleased to support this endeavor by sharing industrial experience and advice for growth. At the same time, we benefit from the opportunity to be at the forefront of technology.

Christian Sacchet

P3 energy solutions, Partner and Head of Hydrogen Operations

We can only succeed and develop new technologies and business concepts by collaborating with the corresponding parties from science, research and industry. In our view, H2UB offers the ideal platform to achieve these goals.

Christian Scheller

DILO Armaturen und Anlagen GmbH, CEO

The world is shifting towards clean energy sources and hydrogen is at the forefront of this transformation. By partnering with H2UB, MSA Safety can help increase the adoption of hydrogen and educate users on how to deploy and maintain hydrogen safely. H2UB gives us access to the hydrogen start-up network to share our expertise in safety standards and our experience in detection technologies.

Andre Schulz

MSA Deutschland, Sales Engineer

Supporter Map


Corporate Partners

Partner Institutions

Strategic Network


Our team

Dedicated to the success of H2 start-ups, fueled by passion for hydrogen.
It is our ambition to strengthen the innovative power of the European hydrogen economy for a climate friendly and defossilized future. We want to offer great services to our start-ups and partners. Our start-ups are our potential.

Uwe Kerkmann


Achmed Junusov


Susanne Goergens

Staff & Finance

Dr. Aljoscha Frede

Corporate Ecosystem

Moritz Glettenberg

Strategy & Ecosystem

Marius Dainora

Community & Project Assistant

Yash Awatade

Working Student Ecosystem

Robin Ibing

Events & Projects

Carolin Nickel

Events & Projects

Marina Scheider

PR & Communications

Jessica Rähse

Working Student Communications

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